Annual Sheep Drive across London Bridge
25 September 2022
This is a long-established charity event to raise funds for The Woolmen Charity and the Lord Mayor’s Appeal that celebrates a Freeman’s ancient “right” to bring sheep to market over the River Thames, toll free. Together with a Livery Fair of more than 25 craft stalls and dry weather, it all made for a splendid day out. Above: some of the excited participants!
The Broderers’ Charitable Trust had agreed to take out a stall to be shared by two of our core charities – the Grange at Bookham; a residential home for people with learning difficulties and Fine Cell Work, who teach prisoners how to stitch and a raft of other skills as well.
Fine Cell Work brought some of their beautiful cushions, Christmas decorations and pencil cases which attracted a lot of interest. The Grange had developed a special range of cards, mugs, bags and tea towels all with pictures of sheep drawn by some of the people who are supported by the Grange.
Master Broderer with the Mistress and Katy Emck, Founding Director of Fine Cell
Sheriff Alison Gowman looking at the range of items on sale from The Grange. It’s never too early to start your Christmas shopping!
The stall was visited by hundreds of people who bought goods or wanted to know about both charities. One of our visitors was Kate Humble, best-selling author, broadcaster and farmer – who loves sheep!
Kate Humble seen here, talking to Helen from The Grange.
And finally, three fellow Broderers did herd their sheep over London Bridge. Seen here with their certificates to prove it are Jennifer Donovan, Pat Herbig and Jenny Adin-Christie.
We are all very proud of ‘ewe’.