Election Dinner 18 June 2024
There was a splendid turnout for the Election Dinner, with the Lord Mayor Michael Mainelli being the Principal Guest. Other guests included Sheriff and Alderman Bronek Masojada as well as Master Draper, Upper Bailiff Weaver and Master Woolman. Frances Franklin, Treasurer of the Lewisham and Bexley Sea Cadets joined us for dinner and witnessed the fantastic Cadets provide a Carpet Guard and demonstrate their skilled pipe calls. Continuing the Naval theme, CO Karen Snel and Lieutenant Hugo Shaw joined us at Dinner and continued our affiliation with 820
Royal Naval Air Squadron.
Master and Warden greeting the Lord Mayor outside Mercers Hall
The Dinner was an opportunity to showcase the work of The Grange a charity regularly supported by the Broderers Charity Trust. That funding has allowed The Grange to purchase sewing machines and associated equipment which allows the people who live and work at The Grange to learn new skills and supports them to lead more independent and fulfilling lives. The Master commissioned a special cushion, with the Company logo as a gift for the Lord Mayor to say thank you for joining us the Dinner. Everyone else took home a unique bookmark referencing the Company coat of arms – again highlighting the talents of the people who live at The Grange.
Pictures above of the Master at The Grange looking at the finished cushion and bookmarks, with Viv and Michelle who manage the Embroidery Studio
It goes without saying that The Grange CEO Alison Keeley was on hand to meet the Lord Mayor and describe the work and achievements of The Grange.
Alison (proudly wearing her Grange leaf badge) chatting to the Lord Mayor and other dinner guests.
The evening continued the fellowship of the Company and the appreciation of our long-standing affiliations, while the bookmark will help demonstrate the real impact of the Broderers Charitable Trust.