Visit to the Royal School of Needlework - 13 June 2023

The School of Art Needlework was founded in 1872, with Queen Victoria’s third daughter – Princess Helena as President. The Broderers relationship with the school goes back to 1899, so we are rightly proud of our long association with what became The Royal School of Needlework in 1903.

The Broderers Charitable Trust (BCT) continues to be a regular supporter of the Royal School – most recently in respect of HM Charles III Coronation. The BCT contributed to the cost and many Broderers were part of the team that created regalia for the Coronation ceremony, including the Anointing Screen, all of which was seen on TV by millions, around the world.

It was a delight that 16 Broderers were invited to visit the School – to see the 2023 degree student show and meet some of those who had worked so hard for the Coronation. As ever, the work produced by the students was stunning.

Chloe Angrave – showcasing her final piece. The dress – size 6! - comments on the damage being done to coral seas. The “jellyfish” are made from bio plastic that Chloe developed over many hours testing various ingredients including white vinegar and corn starch.

The Master and fellow Broderer Diana Springall Talking to RSN student Jenna Riddell who received a bursary award from the Broderers.

Alivia Lloyd – standing beside her dress that includes a beautiful array of flowers made with different materials and stitch techniques. They are all so life like!

Broderers - engaged talking to students and looking at their work.

All looking at the camera for a ‘team shot’!

Our visit to the Royal School was thoroughly enjoyable. The enthusiasm of the staff and students is infectious and we left, knowing that our long standing relationship with the School will continue for many years to come.