Value Statement






The Company seeks to reflect the best of the history and tradition of the City of London and its institutions.  It prides itself on being a modern organisation too.  While it values and honours the best of the past, it also aims to embrace change and to be forward looking.


Our open culture is welcoming.  Members, potential members and their guests should always feel comfortable, valued and included, irrespective of their background, sex, gender identity, marital status, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, age or disability.


Further, our open culture embraces the work of the Broderers Charity Trust as it seeks to extend the skill and benefits of the art of embroidery to the underserved and marginalised in society as well as skilled advocates and students of the craft.


Our core values are integrity, collegiality, and charity.


“The Worshipful Company of Broderers’ activities support the UN-SDGs on Quality
Education, Gender Equality, Decent Work & Economic Growth, Responsible
Consumption & Production, and Climate Action”.